Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Continuation & A Few Book Opinions

Presently, I am sitting in my kitchen eating lunch meat chicken on crackers. Although my present occupation is relatively normal and definitely unassuming, the last two days have been extraordinarily eventful. The horrors which began two days ago (those referred to in my previous post) have only grown more horrible. Since the discovery of the hidden homework, it's been a downhill journey. It rained cats and dogs yesterday, and today, my math teacher informed us that he would not be lecturing on the exam material. Great. Absolutely splendid. Ah well, it seems unfair to subject you to two whinny posts in a row, so I will, instead, subject you to the boring summary and comparison of several books I have recently read/am currently reading, in a effort to get my mind of matrices.

Several months ago, I decided to read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I thoroughly enjoy creepy books, and this one had just the right balance of the creeps, tragedy, and romance. I absolutely adore this book, and would recommend it to both ladies and gentlemen alike. The thing is, while it is focused on a girl, it is an uncharacteristically good story and has a happy ending. This particular point is important because the next book I read does NOT.

Because I so enjoyed Jane Eyre, I decided to read Wuthering Heights. This is written by Emily Bronte, Charlotte's sister. I was curious as to whether or not their writing styles were similar. They are definitely both tragic, in parts (although this one doesn't ever stop being tragic), and the novels share some themes. For example, both stories strive to highlight the undue amount of importance society then (and now) places on looks and class. I, however, found the storylines not at all similar and both refreshingly original. Neither one is the typical mono-myth, and there were no damsels in distress or nights in shinning armor to be found. I am undecided as to which book I like more, but they definitely are two of my favorite books. 

Because I had read books by both of the other sisters, I decided to read Agnes Gray, by Anne Bronte. Again, there are subtle themes about the importance of rank in this novel (or at least what I have read of it). I am currently a little over halfway through, and am enjoying it immensely (although I can't say why I am enjoying it so much, not all that much has actually happened). This story has none of the eerie nature of the other two. It is much more straightforward and much less intriguing. However, the reader cannot help but feel concerned for the characters as they go through their usual day to day activities. 

All in all, all three books are worth your time (although I reserve the right to change my mind still about Agnes Gray ). What other classic books should I read? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you like creepy books and mysteries, try out "ten little indians" or "and then there were none" by agatha christie.

  3. If you like books like the Odyssey or the Aeneid (like epic poetry type books), you should read The Song of Roland (awesome book!) or Dante's Divine Comedy!

  4. I have never heard of Agnes Grey. Thanks for sharing! I have some more books to read!

  5. I like creepy classics, Fran :) And Steph, I actually haven't read any of those poems cover to cover. I've read probably almost all of the stories here and there, but I really need to just sit down and read them. And yes Gabri, it was good...however, I HATED the ending.
